Fraze Craze Inc.
is a translation company based in Japan, specializing in design/architectural texts.
Fraze Craze (former name “studio OJMM”) was founded in 2003 by Haruki Makio
as a collaborative office practicing design and translation.
We changed the office name and incorporated our business in 2014.
Books translated by Fraze Craze and Haruki Makio include:
“Skyscrapers” X-Knowledge Co.,Ltd. (April, 2014)
“The Three Little Pigs: An Architectural Tale” (April, 2013) Banana Books
“Álvaro Siza Interview by José Salgado” (May, 2014) Shinkenchiku-sha
“Structural Packaging” (July, 2015), “Natural Architecture Now” (July, 2014), BNN, Inc.
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Osaka Head Office (Japan)
Uchihommachi B&M bldg. 6th floor, 1-1-6, Uchihommachi, Chuo-ku,
Osaka, 540-0026, Japan
Tokyo Office (Japan)